Hi everyone!
I'm Parsa and this website is dedicated to my projects, and tips on how I am approaching the challenges I'm facing, not just in my projects, but in whatever comes into my mind that may be useful to others.
If you want to know more about me, click on the about tab. If you are here to take a look at my projects, just scroll down. And, I think the tips tab talks for itself :D
Academic Projects
Soft Wearable Knee Rehabilitation Device
First Prototype of the Soft Knee Rehabilitation Device
Find out more in our paper
Brief description: This device, that was my master's thesis project, is aimed to help patients regain their knee range of motion after total knee arthroplasty or while having problems due to several illnesses that cause knee stiffness. The device has an array of soft inflatable pouches that move the knee joint when inflated. The device is controlled using an IMU unit mounted on the ankle of the patient and is controlled using a closed loop sliding mode controller.
You can check my google scholar page to see more projects that I have collaborated on.
Personal Projects
Assembling my 3D printer
I just wanted to see how long it takes to do everything from scratch without any prior knowledge or any tools other than the ones that came with the box. And I decided to film the process and upload it on YouTube. I hope it comes handy to even a few people.